The Girl
- *ThE NoIsIeSt AbOvE aLL sILeNcE*
- I am a simple gal. With a beautiful dream, not knowing if all will come true. Many desires deep within my heart(hopefully I can blog about) not knowing where to go. But because I am a very outspoken & bold I think I managed to climb up certain stairs in my life, which brought light into my life... And now I am progressing =) Well I wouldn't really say simple as have been pampered since young. So ya... I only update my blog once in a blue moon, like a thriller story you know? Excited to know what is in the climax.. LOL... Anyway, hope you enjoy reading my blog! MUAAAAHHH!!!
KERI HILSON lyrics : Superhuman (Feat. Chris Brown)
1st my wallet went lost on fri 13/2/2009... but thank God i found it...
2nd my hp went lost on sat 14/2/2009... i don't think i will ever find it...
3rd my gold chain went lost 16/2/2009... where on earth is it???
my is this happening to me?? why am i loosing everything??? is it a sign that i gonna loose something very dear to me or is a test of faith??? what the hell man??? why must everything go lost in a straight row??? why not i myself go lost somewhere isn't it better... is it super irritating... the wallet Jason bought for me thought was lost but was found... than the hp also Jason bought for me i doubt that it can be found again... my gold chain it was my 18th b'day present from my mum & she was so happy giving me that & now it is missing???
what am i going to do now??? what am i going to tell her if she find out??? how can something which was zipped up go lost all of a sudden???
unanswered questions!!!!!!!!!!
2nd week of feb
nothing much happened. went to work as usual thna went home so tired. tried thinking of what to buy for jason but half way felt aslp.
11 FEB ( WED )
hmmmmm.. today went to met jason. ate @ his place his mother's rasam shiok sia... wooohooo muist go cooking lessons to her only lolz... than nth much @ ard 10pm went home..
12 FEB ( THURS )
one of the horrible days in my life i guess my head was about to burst... customer were like shit than after work i told jason i was going to shool but actually i did not. i went to search for him valentines day present... OMG!!! finding present for guys reali sucks la. i went to G2000 but his size don't have i went to central shopping centre all the clothes sucked than atlast went to bugis street i saw a blazer which could fit him got so excited but still was afraid that it wouldn't fit so i told the uncle i will be back.
this day was fine till stroke of 12pm. my wallet was missing... OMG... i was scared that i've misplaced it somewhere because it was my favourite white wallet bought by my darling jason as my 10month anni present... lolz... i panicked. so instead of going class on that day i went to class again. went home found my wallet under the bed. so i was relieved i wanted to do a bid poster with jason's and my photo so i went to loyang point to wash some photos buy valentine day present for my athai & jen than went home. so tired by the time i finish the poster was rdy 12. time for Jason night work so called him no ans than he called back & i was the first one to wish him... wooohoooo... there i went... good night!!!
love is in the air... hahaharx... met up with Jason early in the morning he got me a tasmania devil doll than we were suppose to wtch movie but the traffic was super heavy so watching movie was cancelled. we drove to the workshop @ bukit merah than left Jason's van fopr servicing than left. i was daaaam haungry so we went to eat chicken rice @ a nearby coffeeshop formally dressed... hahaharx how sweet than after that took bus go to bugis to get for Jason his blazer... just to find for the blazer the shop people make us wait there for more than 20mins... by the time Jason went for his choir practice was rdy 4.30pm... after everything jason told me that he wanted to bring me to his friends wedding i also believe than he brought me to mount faber... than we walked & walked & walked than atlast found it... it was called the marina deck & WOW!!! it was a beautiful place a valentine day i will never forget... the view from above was beautiful & it was in a shipwreck form... the food there was nice... i really enjoyed myself this valentine thanks to my sweetheart... even though he couldn't drive & we are suppose to take public transport.. it was kinda romantic... huggable bus rides... sweet train rides... but sadly i couldn't take photo of anything because Jason's phone wasin the care center & mine lost... but memories can't be forgotten...
15 FEB( SUN )
tomorrow is my 14th month anni... wooohoooo but today nothing much... never go church... haiz so sad last min all in my house say not going church... i want to get rdy & go also too late so i just went to meet Jason than go home...
thatz all for this week =)
Nat posing with Sharon in the reflection
God'sbeautiful creation
worship idols ( ben & jerry's)
another favourite song
it was a sunday, alot of unexpected things happened but thank God certain things happened so that we could get our dearie back. all praises firstly goes to God than secondly to the people who were around...
2ND FEB...
it was a monday, as usual work work work... lolz what to do... today was both my darlings b'day gayathiri darling & my lydia darling... couldn't meet either one so sad =( ... so i just went bk hm...
3RD FEB...
it was a tuesday, nothing much suppose to meet lavenia but never but hooray my pay came in... lolz ...
4TH FEB...
it was a wednesday, we went to Serena b'day.. did a surprise under her blk.. jason, joe, his friend, shawn, jennifer, shanki & i were there... so many presents for her so cool... i also want presents for my birthday people... that night when i went home i found out so many unexpected things... OMG!!! was on the line in conference with so many ppl realising many things... ha. unexpected that these innocent ppl were involve in a horrible situation so sad...
5TH FEB...
it was a thursday, went to YCCA... there i met 2 ppl & got things in the right path as all of us wanted to get the right thing done
6TH FEB...
it was a friday, went to joel house for youth meeting... joy was so sick... karuppen was there all of us were eating chappati... lolz... i went to sleep beside joy as i was so sleepy... went home at about 11.30pm... so tired...
7TH FEB...
suppose to meet serena in church for keyboard lesson @ 1pm but both of us were late due to some toilet hazard... aft that some of us went to some certain ppl house and made certain ppl realise certain things... thank God it all ended well...
8TH FEB...
so sad last day of weekend... nothing much today just eat slp & wash van... lolz
JAN 2009

this year 2009 started well...
yes daily life everyday waking up @ everyday @ 6pm and all is still the same but every new year's expectations would be different...
but certain things will never be changed or cannot be chaged but we can't help it...
this year 2009 is not that bad...
Firstly manage to pull through MY JOB... haharx the particular person who actually wanted me out of the job is actually out of the job... she wanted to do something bad to the child of God but God gave her back nicely... she just put all the blame on me but since i depended on God & he knew it was not my fault he kept me & removed her... WHAT GOES WILL COME AROUND!!!Secondly my results... my results is really a miracle when i was doin my 1st & 2nd module i will always go to class properly & on time, i passed my module... during my 3rd & 4th module i never went to class properly and my attandence sucked & even worst i would leave half way even if i go to class... lolz... & during my exam even worst i did not study i screwed the paper, mixed up all the answers but i PASSED... & i was shocked i really really was shocked... i thought i had to retake my modules & pay again 3 months and than by the time i graduate will be longer... but by God's grace i did pull through & i learnt my lesson from than than grace & mercy doesn't come everytime...
hmmmm... so far for jan... yea tadz it i guez
I M BACK... 2009